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Mesquite, Nevada.The fastest growing city in Nevada, was founded in 1894 and incorporated on May 24, 1984. It is located on Interstate-15 in southeastern Nevada on the Arizona border and is built near the banks of the Virgin River.

• Elevation 1600 ft
• Highway Mile Distance:  
   Albuquerque, NM 580 miles
   Boise, ID 483 miles
   Denver, CO 675 miles
   Las Vegas, NV 80 miles
   Los Angeles, CA 370 miles
   Phoenix, AZ 360 miles
   St. George, UT 37 miles
   Salt Lake City, UT 346 miles
   San Francisco, CA 720 miles

• Actual Growth Population & Projections

Year No.
1970 674
1975 808
1980 922
1985 1,270
1990 1,960
Year No.
1995 5,120
2000 12,000
2005 18,000
2008 21,000
2010 30,500

City Government
Form: Council/Manager, comprised of an elected mayor, five elected council members and an appointed city manager.
Meetings: Held the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 4 p.m., Mesquite City Hall
Address: 10 E. Mesquite Blvd., Mesquite, NV 89027 (702)346-5295
Operating Budget
Fiscal Year:
2004/2005 $18,178,506

Law Enforcement & Emergency Services
City Police Department: 26 officers, 10 staff
City Fire and Rescue Department: 11 Full-time, 21 volunteers, 5 vehicles

Tax Structure
Mesquite has one of the lowest local tax rates in Nevada, which enjoys one of the lowest state tax structures in the nation.

2003-2004 rate per $100 of assessed valuation: City of Mesquite and valoreum rate....0.55

Clark County total combined rate....2.22

2005 Mesquite assessed valuation....$359,000,000

Taxes NOT collected in Nevada: Personal income tax, corporate income tax, taxes on groceries, inventory tax and foreign trade zone tax.

Assessed value approximates 35 percent of fair market value. Total property tax on a home with a fair market value of $100,000 is $970 per year as a 7/01/04.

Labor Pool 8,320
Unemployment 3.9%

Agriculture and Services 1%
Business/Repair Service 2%
Construction 12%
Educational Services 8.5%
Entertainment Recreation 50%
Finance, Insurance and Real Estate 5%
Health Services 2%
Manufacturing 4%
Public Administration 2.3%
Retail Trade and Personal Services 10%
Communication, Transportation and Utilities 2.2%

Top Employers in Mesquite
1. CasaBlanca Resort 1006
2. Oasis Resort 927
3. Virgin River Resort 769
4. Eureka 400
5. City of Mesquite 187
6. Clark County Schools 156
7. Primex Plastics 120
8. Smith's 120
9. Mesa View Hosp. 100+
To view information regarding utilities, please see our Utilities section.

Telephone: Rio Virgin Phone
Monday - Friday
Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Local Bi-Weekly
  Desert Valley Times
Local Weekly
  Mesquite Local News
  The Spectrum
  Las Vegas Review Journal

Radio Stations: Utah and Las Vegas area stations

Cable TV companies:
Charter Communications
Rio Virgin Cablevision

Mesquite Airport:
Latitude..N 36' degrees 50' 4"
Longitude..W 14' degrees 03' 5"
Runway length....5,100 feet
Runway length....75 feet
Runway Capacity....30,000 lbs.

McCarran Int'l Airport:
Las Vegas   85 miles

Interstate 15 (two exists)
State Highways 91 and 170

Railroad Depot....36 miles


Medical Facilities
To view information regarding health services available in Mesquite, please see our Health Care section.

Community Services
1 Catholic Church, Bunkerville
1 Baptist Church, Mesquite
1 Methodist Church, Mesquite
3 Community
10 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wards
1 Lutheran Church

City Athletic Facilities:
Five tournament softball fields, rodeo arena and five parks.
Recreation Center with racquetball, two pools, basketball, weight room, dance and aerobic room.

Senior Citizens' Center: Meals

Library: Clark County Branch

Elementary, secondary school
J.L. Bowler Elementary
  (Bunkerville) (K-6)
Virgin Valley Elementary
  (Mesquite) (K-6)
Hughes Middle School (7-8)
Virgin Valley High School (9-12)

Universities & Colleges:
UNLV, Las Vegas....85 miles
SUU, Cedar City....85 miles
Dixie State College, Utah....37 miles
Community College of Southern Nevada (Mesquite Campus)
Mohave County Community College
University of Phoenix
University of Nevada, Reno Cooperative Extension

To view information regarding housing and real estate, please see our Real Estate section.


EMS Merchants

Phone: 702-346-2902  •  Fax: 702-346-6138  •  12 W. Mesquite Blvd. #107 Mesquite, Nevada 89027

© 2007 Mesquite Area Chamber of Commerce